The first of the Trilogy of Life series,
Waiting is considered to be the artist's first
masterpiece of Western realism.
The second of the Trilogy of Life series,
Watching displays the artist's mastery of her medium
as she combines texture and form to express this uniquely
human experience.
The final piece in the Trilogy of Life series, Remembering
captures the emotion of looking back on the human life
Our Lady of Peace is a work of timeless beauty and
modern relevence.
Revealing the influence of the classical masters in her work,
Our Lady of Peace was
born of Maura's desire to portray the Mother in a
multi-ethnic form filled with grace and love. Both the
expressive detail and flowing stylistic form make it a
timeless work of uncomparable quality.
A look at the lighter side of Maura's work, Mine blends
abstract texture with realistic form to create a charming
look at natural life.
Water is
the first of the new four part Elements